Emilia Clarke Reveals the True Culprit in ‘Game of Thrones’ Coffee Cup Case (Video)

Emilia Clarke is putting to rest this “Game of Thrones” coffee cup nonsense once and for all by revealing who is really responsible for that rogue takeaway container that made its way into a scene from the HBO fantasy series’ recently ended final season — and it’s not her, though co-star Sophie Turner previously threw her under the bus for the ordeal.

On Wednesday’s “Tonight Show,” the Mother of Dragons told host Jimmy Fallon that the cast member who owned said coffee cup and left it on the table in front of her was none other than Conleth Hill, who plays Lord Varys. And the little bird who told her it was Hill, was actually Hill himself.

Here’s the truth, as Clarke put it: “We had like a party before the Emmys recently, and Conleth, who plays Varys, who is sitting next to me in that scene, he pulls me aside and he’s like, ‘Emilia, I got to tell you something, I got to tell you something, love. The coffee cup was mine.'”

Also Read: Did Emilia Clarke 'Stumble Upon the Truth' Behind 'Game of Thrones' Coffee Cup Mistake? (Photo)

“It was his! It was Conleth’s coffee cup, he said, so,” she added. “He’s like, ‘I think it was. I’m sorry darling, I didn’t want to say anything ’cause it seemed the heat was very much on you.’ And I was like, ‘What?!?'”

While Clarke admits Hill “might have been drunk” he did say it to her, so.

Watch her implicate him in the video above.

Oh, in case you somehow managed to forget about the coffee cup, here’s a quick refresher.

Read original story Emilia Clarke Reveals the True Culprit in ‘Game of Thrones’ Coffee Cup Case (Video) At TheWrap