Supergirl : New promo teases Cat Grant's return... and her new job?

Will Cat Grant have a new job when Supergirl returns?

It certainly seems like it based on this new DC TV “Super Season” promo, which suggests that the Queen of Media (Calista Flockhart) is now President Olivia Marsdin’s (Lynda Carter) new communications director. Around the 0:33 mark in the teaser above, we see Cat standing behind a podium in the White House press briefing room.

“Go ahead, fire away,” she says to, we assume, a room full of reporters.

Cat’s new job wouldn’t be entirely surprising given the fact that she and Professor Marsdin are old friends from college (Marsdin was her R.A.) and that Cat was working with her during her time away from CatCo. Furthermore, last month at San Diego Comic-Con, showrunners Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner revealed that Flockhart, who took on recurring status when the show moved to The CW, would appear in the season 3 premiere.

“The way that Calista appears in the first episode is really clever,” teased star Melissa Benoist at the time.

Watch the promo above for more footage from the new seasons of The Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and Arrow. Also check out the new Legends of Tomorrow trailer, in which Tala Ashe makes her debut as Zari Tomaz, a Muslim-American superhero from the future that will join the team on the Waverider.

Supergirl kicks off The CW’s super lineup with its return on Monday, Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. ET; The Flash premieres Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. ET, followed by Legends of Tomorrow at 9 p.m. ET; Arrow premieres Thursday, Oct. 12 at 9 p.m. ET.