Elon Musk just dropped a rap song dedicated to Harambe: Stream

Elon Musk dropping some heat on SoundCloud

Tesla CEO, Grimes’ devoted pumpkin picking partner, and now… SoundCloud rapper? Elon Musk added a new line of work to his resume this weekend after releasing a rap song dedicated to Harambe, the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla that was killed in 2016.

“This might be my finest work,” Musk wrote on Twitter. The heavily Auto-Tuned “RIP Harambe” was posted on SoundCloud through his jokingly titled and sadly likely fictitious Emo G Records imprint.

“RIP Harambe/ Sipping on some Bombay/ We on our way to heaven/ Amen, amen,” the SpaceX honcho can be heard dropping some heat. “Smoking on some strong/ In the gorilla zoo/ And we thinking about you.” We absolutely do not doubt that Musk has been “smoking on some strong” when penning this track.

Take a listen below.

In related news, Musk’s girlfriend recently announced plans to “kill off” her Grimes name in favor of the letter “c” (as in “speed of light”). Musk has in the past been very encouraging of the new title.

Unfortunately, the two are still wrapped up in legal drama, which came about after rapper Azealia Banks spent a weekend with the couple and divulged that Musk was on drugs and “scrounging for investors” after tweeting plans to take Tesla publish. Both “c” and Banks have been subpoenaed in a class action lawsuit.