Elmira native who survived alcoholism, trauma will bring her music back to her hometown

Brooklyn Arbona didn't have an easy path on her road to becoming a concert pianist and composer.

The Elmira native, who was born male, struggled for years with gender identity issues, along with alcohol abuse that started when she was still a child.

But Arbona eventually overcame those challenges, and also used her battle as inspiration for her music.

She will be returning to Elmira this week to perform a concert of music from her latest CD, "The Rescued Child," a collection of songs that reflect Arbona's own struggle and ultimate victory over her personal demons.

"It's eight songs that are all about overcoming trauma. It was very cathartic for me," said Arbona, 41. "The album is inspirational. My music has a (Greek composer) Yanni feel. My other influence is Elton John."

A life of struggle and triumph for Elmira native

Arbona grew up in Elmira and was a child of divorce.

If that wasn't confusing enough, she grew up feeling like a female in the wrong body, and didn't know how to deal with the inner conflict.

The emotional distress led Arbona to start drinking when she was only 11, she said, and she continued to struggle with alcoholism until well into adulthood.

"I abused it more and more and it continued into my 30s. I went into a treatment program in 2015 to get sober," Arbona said. "The first year was great. Then the stress came. My drinking was to cover up my childhood trauma."

Brooklyn Arbona
Brooklyn Arbona

Arbona put her faith in God, and it was eventually the support of a best friend, Jadrien Sifers, that inspired her to finally get sober.

Her sobriety led Arbona to confront her other issue — her gender confusion. She eventually underwent transition surgery to confirm her longtime sense of being female.

"I'm a woman. When I got sober, I hated that I was a woman trapped in a male body," she said. "I don't feel connected to that (transgender) community. I'm just a woman."

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Building a successful career as a musician/composer

While dealing with her personal struggles, Arbona managed to pursue an education and a career as a pianist and composer.

After graduating from Southside High School in Elmira in 2001, she later earned a bachelor's degree in music from Mansfield University and a master's degree from the University of Maryland.

She eventually relocated to the Washington, D.C. area to write and perform. Arbona is quick to point out she didn't earn success on her own. In addition to Sifers, many other people provided inspiration and support along the way, she said.

Among them were Bob and Carol Wooley, of Mansfield, who were like a second set of parents and also funded and produced Arbona's recent album.

Dr. Cleveland Page was a University of Maryland professor Arbona describes as "an amazing person." Her Elmira concert will be dedicated in his memory.

That concert was also arranged by another invaluable presence in Arbona's life — her former music teacher, Frances McLaren.

"She is a genius piano teacher and is very well known locally and I owe so much to her," Arbona said. "During my depressed, lonely teenage years she gave me free piano lessons for years and always believed in me."

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How to experience Arbona's music firsthand

Arbona will perform a solo piano concert of her original music at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 23 at Bethany Lutheran Church, 256 S. Walnut St. in Elmira.

She will feature music from her album, which was released in 2023. Arbona describes the musical style of the album as "inspirational/contemporary classical/new age."

The CD will be available for sale for $10 during the concert, and Arbona will personally sign copies. Admission is free, but a donation basket will be available for contributions that will go toward the cost of producing the album.

More information about Arbona and her music is available on Facebook and Instagram.

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This article originally appeared on Elmira Star-Gazette: Elmira native Brooklyn Arbona will perform hometown concert