Ellen DeGeneres Sent a 9-Year-Old to Put the Democratic Candidates in the Hot Seat

Last week, the Democratic Party held its fifth presidential primary debate — but candidates weren’t just questioned by the moderators on stage.

Ellen DeGeneres sent 9-year-old Macey Hensley to Atlanta for the debate, in a segment that aired on DeGeneres’ daytime talk show. There, the kid presidential history expert spoke to a few of the candidates and put some of them in the hot seat.

First up was Sen. Kamala Harris, who told Hensley that she likes to prepare for debates by eating “lots of cookies.”

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Macey Hensley | ellentube
Macey Hensley | ellentube
Sen. Kamala Harris (left) and Macey Hensley | ellentube
Sen. Kamala Harris (left) and Macey Hensley | ellentube

“I know bunch of president facts and James Madison was the shortest president. So, if you become president, you might be the shortest president,” Macey told the California lawmaker.

Harris then jokingly asked if Madison wore heels like she did.

Macey also spoke to Sen. Cory Booker, who was accompanied by girlfriend Rosario Dawson, and asked him about his relationship status.

“You’re not married, are you?” Macey asked. “So, do you think that you’re going to be a bachelor like James Buchanan or are you going to get married in the White House like Grover Cleveland?”

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From left: Sen. Cory Booker and Andrew Yang with Macey Hensley | ellentube
From left: Sen. Cory Booker and Andrew Yang with Macey Hensley | ellentube
Macey Hensley (left) with Rosario Dawson | ellentube
Macey Hensley (left) with Rosario Dawson | ellentube

With a laugh, Booker told Macey, “I think that’s a smarter question to ask my girlfriend, Rosario.”

As the actress joined in on the interview, Macey repeated the question to Dawson, who playfully turned it back on Booker: “I think the questions really needs to come from him.”

“I’m a little old-fashioned on that one,” the Zookeeper star added, with Booker asking Macey if she could help him “negotiate something here.”

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Hensley, who hopes to become president one day herself, also asked Mayor Pete Buttigeig for advice given that he could potentially be the youngest president elected into office.

“Well, you seem like you’re way ahead of me,” Buttigeig told her. “So maybe I should be asking you for advice. You got anything I should think about?”

Macey’s response: “Just follow your dreams. How about that?”