Elizabeth Olsen Launches Her Lifestyle Brand on 'The Late Show With Stephen Colbert'

Elizabeth Olsen may star in huge film franchises like The Avengers, but after seeing her older sisters Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen make hundreds of millions of dollars with their brand, she told The Late Show's Stephen Colbert that she wants in. First Olsen had to come up with a name for her brand. Inspired by Colbert's Covetton House, the actress decide to name her brand, Lizard House. In order to have a lifestyle brand, you have to promote things that are part of your life. Fortunately, Colbert had something Olsen could promote that is similar to Kardashian promoted Fit Tea. Colbert pulled out a large bottle of malt alcohol and said, "This is 40-ounces of fitness. It's a fit malt liquor. It's called "F. IT." Once she had a product to endorse, the only thing left to do was snap a social media pic and savor the flavor of "F. IT."