Elizabeth Mitchell: On My iPod

Brandi Carlile, Live at Benaroya
“The last time I saw her in concert I got to go backstage because she watched Lost on the road. I was such a dork, because I think she’s an incredible talent. Her voice is so strong and vibrant.”

Iz, ”Somewhere Over the Rainbow”
“It’s a real energy changer — you put that on and everybody starts swaying. I’m drawn to songs that are melancholy but uplifting.”

Ryan Adams, ”Come Pick Me Up”
“I’ve been the person who might sing that, and I’ve been the person someone might sing that to. I’m obsessed — I’ve played it for most of the [Revolution] cast.”

Pink, ”Glitter in the Air”
“One of my girlfriends told me I had to listen to her, and the dance songs didn’t affect me, but I was captivated by this. I truly think she’s writing from a personal place.”

Nina Simone, ”Feeling Good”
“This always feels fresh. Her voice is extraordinary, and she makes me feel so cool. She’s got so much passion and soul in her. It’s beautiful.”

Vivaldi, The Four Seasons
“I go back to Vivaldi when I’m trying to find a character arc. It’s always good to surround yourself with brilliance, if only to remind you that you can do better.”