Easter Bunny takes over real estate listing for viral sensation in Greece. See the pics

From the curb, the two-story home on Ballad Avenue in Greece appears to be a well-maintained house, but a real estate listing that went viral offers an egg-stra Easter surprise inside.

Upon viewing the listing's photos, the Easter Bunny makes a repeated appearance - lounging on a couch, removing a carton of eggs from a refrigerator, peering out a window and taking a bath.

Real estate agents Colleen Bracci and Marissa DelVecchio, both of RE/MAX Realty Group, represent the seller of 390 Ballad Ave. and thought up the creative idea. Inside the costume is DelVecchio, who Bracci described as a quirky and fun coworker.

Bracci, who has been a real estate agent in the Rochester region since 1984, said she's always been a bit of an unconventional agent, as her father had been. She said she is always looking for a way to stand out and has "always tried to be a bit edgy."

The house was featured this week on Zillow Gone Wild, which has garnered more than a million views (and counting) on the Instagram post alone. Zillow Gone Wild features out of the ordinary listings including properties where celebrities once lived or were featured in films, ostentatious mansions or homes with unique features, such as a pyramid-shaped home or a geodesic dome.

The Easter Bunny removes a carton of eggs from the fridge at 390 Ballad Ave., in Greece. Photos of the house went viral in March 2023 after it was featured on Zillow Gone Wild.
The Easter Bunny removes a carton of eggs from the fridge at 390 Ballad Ave., in Greece. Photos of the house went viral in March 2023 after it was featured on Zillow Gone Wild.

"It took off way more than I ever thought it would," Bracci said.

The split-level 2,872-square-foot house was built in 1965 and was listed at $219,900. After 85 showings of the four-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom home in a five-day span, the property owners received 25 offers, Bracci said.

"It went for well, well over what it was listed for," more than $50,000 over the asking price, she said. And while the house has been spoken for, Bracci said she's pleased that the listing "brought a lot of attention to Rochester," where real estate property sales are more affordable that other parts of the country.

The house sits on a third of an acre on Ballad Avenue, a residential road in a neighborhood off Maiden Lane and Long Pond Road within the Greece Central School District.

This article originally appeared on Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: House for sale in Greece NY goes viral on Zillow Gone Wild