Dustin Hoffman Accused of Sexual Assault, Exposing Himself to a Minor

Three more women have come forward to 'Variety' with allegations of past misconduct against the 80-year-old actor.

Three more women have accused Dustin Hoffman of past sexual misconduct.

Playwright Cori Thomas, Melissa Kester and a third woman who spoke on condition of anonymity came forward to Varietywith new allegations against the 80-year-old actor, including exposing himself to a minor and two additional accusations of sexual assault.

Thomas says she was 16 years old and a classmate of Hoffman's daughter, Karina, when her alleged incident took place. She claims that at one point, Karina left the apartment, leaving Thomas alone with Hoffman while she waited for her mom. Thomas alleges that Hoffman then walked out in front of her naked, further alleging that he made suggestive comments to her. Thomas says that when Hoffman eventually put on his robe, he asked her to massage his feet.

Meanwhile, both Kester and the woman coming forward anonymously allege that Hoffman assaulted them while filming was taking place on the 1987 movie Ishtar. Kester alleges that Hoffman called her into a control room, where he was recording a vocal track. Kester says that her boyfriend, who worked on music for the film, could see them in the control room, though because of the window's positioning, could not see her or Hoffman below the torso.

"He literally just stuck his fingers down my pants,” Kester claims. “He put his fingers inside me. And the thing I feel most bad about is I didn’t know what to do. I just stood there. I just froze in the situation like, ‘Oh my god, what is happening?’ It’s shocking when that happens to you.”

The third woman provides a similar account of an incident in the back of a car, alleging Hoffman put his hand up her skirt with other passengers close by.

“There are people inches from us. And he just took his hand and stuck his fingers right up inside of me," she claims. "I didn’t know what to do. He’s smiling at me. I was frozen. I was outside of my body.”

The third woman says that when the car dropped her off, she says Hoffman instructed her to meet him at the San Remo apartment building in New York, where she claims they had sex.

“I didn’t know what to do,” she says, telling Variety that she was in a "fugue" state.

ET has reached out to Hoffman's lawyer and rep. In a letter obtained by Variety, Hoffman’s attorney, Mark A. Neubauer, called the accusations against the actor “defamatory falsehoods.”

The new allegations against Hoffman come a month and a half after author Anna Graham Hunter penned a guest column for The Hollywood Reporter accusing the actor of inappropriate conduct when she was just 17 and working on the set of the 1985 TV movie, Death of a Salesman.

In response to Hunter's allegations, Hoffman denied the claims, but apologized for anything he may have done to make Hunter uncomfortable, telling THR in a statement, "I have the utmost respect for women and feel terrible that anything I might have done could have put her in an uncomfortable situation. I am sorry. It is not reflective of who I am."

Earlier this month, during a panel for the Tribeca Film Festival, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver grilled Hoffman over the past claims against him.


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