Here’s the Dune Character That Captures Each Zodiac Sign’s Desire for Power

Here’s the Dune Character That Captures Each Zodiac Sign’s Desire for Power
Here’s the Dune Character That Captures Each Zodiac Sign’s Desire for Power

The interstellar universe that is the setting for both Dune: Part One and Dune: Part Two is nothing short of intricate. And as this iconic display of science fiction unfolds, you might begin to wonder which Dune character captures each zodiac sign, because its long cast of heroes, villains—and those who fall somewhere in-between—are complex enough to keep you analyzing all night long.

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If you were to describe the story of Dune to someone who’s never heard of it, you might refer to it as “goth Star Wars” or “Game of Thrones in space”. But the truth is, there would be no Star Wars or Game of Thrones without Dune. Based on novels written by Frank Herbert, the first installment in this series was published in 1965, long before the arrival of many sci-fi fantasy blockbusters you’ve come to know and love. However, the spiritual, philosophical, and esoteric concepts present in the Dune universe have made this story notoriously difficult to adapt for screen. That’s one reason why Denis Villeneuve’s most recent interpretation has been such a pleasant surprise.

If the zodiac existed in the Dune universe, it would probably look very different from the type of astrology you’re familiar with. After all, Dune takes place in the distant future, when intergalactic travel is possible. That means you would be born with birth chart placements in planets like Arrakis, Caladan, or Gieidi Prime, which is a thrilling idea for an astrologer to contemplate. Because Frank Herbert never specified what astrology would look like in Dune, we can only speculate with our understanding of astrology here on Earth.

The Dune Character That Captures Each Zodiac Sign

A word of caution—if you haven’t seen Dune: Part Two, spoilers lie ahead. And without further ado, here’s the character from Dune that captures your zodiac sign, as well as what you’re willing to do in order to acquire power:

Aries: You’re Glossu Rabban

Aries: You’re Glossu Rabban
Aries: You’re Glossu Rabban

There are many good fighters in the Dune universe, but none strike the chord of fear as resoundingly as Glossu Rabban. Nicknamed “The Beast”, his brutality and penchant for passion—and violence—captures the Aries archetype. As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries always jumps the gun and bites the bullet, just like Rabban shoots now and asks questions later. Aries is also ruled by Mars—planet of action and aggression—which captures Rabban’s main objective at all times. He’s also deeply protective of his family and his legacy, reflecting the cardinal energy of warrior Aries.

Taurus: You’re Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

Taurus: You’re Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
Taurus: You’re Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

As the wealthiest member of the Landsraad—the political body encompassed of ruling families—Baron Vladimir Harkonnen could be none other than a Taurus. This may be a shocking match, as Taurus is ruled by Venus—planet of beauty and luxury—and Harkonnen is the last character one would call “attractive”. However, the Baron represents the underbelly of the Taurus archetype, which is of sloth, greed, and overindulgence. While the Baron’s fighters are destroying and pillaging, the Baron can be found at home, snacking on treats and bathing in oil. Sounds like a Taurus villain to a T.

Gemini: You’re Gurney Halleck

Gemini: You’re Gurney Halleck
Gemini: You’re Gurney Halleck

Gurney Halleck is a many who wears many hats, just like a Gemini is famous for its ability to multitask. He is a friend, mentor, and advisor to Paul Atreides, and if any zodiac sign is capable of adapting to various roles, it’s going to be a Gemini. Halleck is also the War Master of House Atreides, which is an ideal position for a Gemini, as it takes intelligence, audacity, and quick-wittedness to stay at least two steps ahead of all your enemies. That’s another reason Halleck is one of the few to survive the Harkonnen’s surprise attack on planet Arrakis in Dune: Part One.

Cancer: You’re Lady Jessica Atreides

Cancer: You’re Lady Jessica Atreides
Cancer: You’re Lady Jessica Atreides

A Cancer will always break the law for love. Lady Jessica was instructed to give birth to daughters by the Bene Gesserit, but she chose to bear a son out of love for Leto. Cancers are also the quintessential “mother” of the zodiac, and they’re willing to do anything for their children. Lady Jessica continually subverts Bene Gesserit traditions to teach her son—Paul—how to use the Voice, prepping him to become the Kwisatz Haderach. She does all this, knowing the Holy War it will start. She even drinks a poison called the “Water of Life” while pregnant with Alia, dangerously giving her the consciousness of a fully grown Reverend Mother upon birth. Point blank—Lady Jessica literally takes orders from her unborn daughter, of course she’s a Cancer.

Leo: You’re Princess Irulan

Leo: You’re Princess Irulan
Leo: You’re Princess Irulan

Leos are always royalty, which means Princess Irulan exemplifies all it means to be a Leo. However, the reasons for this stem much deeper than her bloodline. Princess Irulan has also been secretly trained in Bene Gesserit ways, which means she has heightened senses and wields the power of expanded mental capacity. However, adhering to the demands of being a Bene Gesserit requires total conformity, which is something Princess Irulan lacks. Her loyalty to her family, House Corrino, makes her an individual with conflicting political ties and a princess who resents being a pawn in someone else’s machinations. Princess Irulan’s pride makes her a Leo to her core.

Virgo: You’re Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen

Virgo: You’re Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Virgo: You’re Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen

The dark side of Virgo is that they can be cold, calculated, and shrewd. And while his older brother—Glossu Rabban—can be brutal and beastly, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen is more clever and cunning. Even though both brothers display capacity for cruelty and sadism, Feyd-Rautha is simply more subtle and strategic about it. Ruled by trickster Mercury, Virgos can throw their enemies off balance by saying one thing and meaning another, bending the truth in a way that leaves everyone totally confused. The same can be said for Feyd-Rautha, who displays his blackened teeth in a wide, unnerving smile whenever he fights.

Libra: You’re Lady Margot Fenring

Libra: You’re Lady Margot Fenring
Libra: You’re Lady Margot Fenring

You can always rely on a Libra for their charm and persuasion, as they’re ruled by Venus, planet of love and attraction. Lady Margot Fenring’s main Bene Gesserit skills include the art of seduction, which makes her a Libra through and through. The cold and terrifying Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen becomes putty in her hands when she conceives a child with him, thereby preserving his genetic material and protecting Bene Gesserit bloodlines. Libra is also the zodiac sign of partnership, and in the Dune books, Lady Margot is so devoted to her husband Count Fenring that she lets him in on Bene Gesserit secrets even though men are not allowed to have this knowledge.

Scorpio: You’re Paul Atreides

Scorpio: You’re Paul Atreides
Scorpio: You’re Paul Atreides

The combination of having deadly psychic powers and an insatiable quest for power makes Paul Atreides a total Scorpio. He can see all possible futures, just like a Scorpio can surmise the best strategies and intuitively sense what move to make next. The more a Scorpio knows, the more powerful they become, as happens to Paul when he undergoes “spice agony” by drinking the Water of Life and almost dies. After he’s resurrected by Chani, his character has transformed into something unstoppable—the Kwisatz Haderach. In astrology, Scorpio is the zodiac sign of transformation and manipulation, and by the end of Dune: Part Two, Paul is willing to put spice production—and interstellar travel—in jeopardy in order to become Emperor.

Sagittarius: You’re Naib Stilgar

Sagittarius: You’re Naib Stilgar
Sagittarius: You’re Naib Stilgar

In the Dune series, no one is more committed to their faith than Naib Stilgar. After witnessing Paul Atreides defeat Jamis in battle, he quickly begins to believe he is Lisan al Gaib and Mahdi, a.k.a. “The One Who Will Lead Us to Paradise”. In astrology, Sagittarius is the zodiac sign of having faith and believing in something higher than ourselves. However, the way Sagittarius is so concerned with “big picture thinking” means important details get lost in the mix. Like a Sagittarius, Stilgar is so zeroed in on his faith in Paul that nothing else enters his mind, not even the inevitability of a Holy War.

Capricorn: You’re Gaius Helen Mohiam

Capricorn: You’re Gaius Helen Mohiam
Capricorn: You’re Gaius Helen Mohiam

Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam is the Imperial Truthsayer, which means she can detect truth when it is being told. And if there’s one zodiac sign who can tell when they’re being lied to, it’s a Capricorn. Ruled by Saturn—planet of authority, limitations, and discipline—Gaius Helen Mohiam is someone who respects tradition above all, never allowing passion to sway her commitment to Bene Gesserit demands. She is always looking forward, delaying present pleasures for the sake of a powerful future result. Where some other Bene Gesserit may answer the call of their hearts, this Reverend Mother remains cold and rational, prizing long-term gains over short-term gratification.

Aquarius: You’re Chani

Aquarius: You’re Chani
Aquarius: You’re Chani

Aquarius is the zodiac sign of future visions and Chani has always been a representation of the future. Paul’s recurring dream of Chani—a Fremen girl he had yet to meet—kickstarted his journey toward potentially becoming the Kwisatz Haderach, a.k.a. the only male (and all-powerful) Bene Gesserit. But Chani is also an Aquarius in her personality, as she is not afraid to go against the grain and stand up against conformity. When Paul is being worshipped as the messiah by her fellow Fremen, Chani is the only one who was willing to call them out for their fanatical behavior, which could have easily put a target on her back.

Pisces: You’re Alia Atreides

Pisces: You’re Alia Atreides
Pisces: You’re Alia Atreides

Of all zodiac signs, Pisces always exists closest to the spirit plane. And before Paul’s younger sister—Alia Atreides—was born, she was already telepathically communicating with her mother, Lady Jessica. Because her mother imbibed the Water of Life while pregnant with her, Alia was given a level of psychic power that would grant her the consciousness of an adult Reverend Mother upon birth, making her existence an “abomination”, according to other Bene Gesserit. Because Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, they are also considered the wisest and oldest souls. And when it comes to Alia, she is most certainly wise beyond her years.

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