A Dumb YouTuber Crashed His McLaren Senna

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A Dumb YouTuber Crashed His McLaren Senna
A Dumb YouTuber Crashed His McLaren Senna

A YouTuber who makes car-related content recently crashed his McLaren Senna into the front of a Lexus dealership in Los Angeles. This is hardly a surprise since the City of Angels is a magnet for YouTubers and foolish behavior, including young guys with too much money handed over by mommy and/or daddy.

This mansion’s garage is underwater.

Footage of the crash was originally uploaded to Reddit but was also put on just about every other social media platform out there. People are marveling at how someone who can afford such a powerful, rare, and beautiful hypercar could treat it so recklessly.

Look, when you’re a trust fund kid who decides to get fame by filming you and your buddies ripping around in expensive cars like they’re nothing, all while insinuating you bought your fleet of rides from YouTube revenue, well it’s just not surprising this is the outcome.

Someone who drove by the crash scene not too long after it happened was filming as the YouTuber’s buddies were shooing people away and telling them they couldn’t film. We’re not attorneys, but we’re pretty sure they can stop people from filming in a public area.

This kind of entitlement has become par for the course with car YouTubers. Many of them and their crew of sycophants act about like what you expect from the biggest prima donnas in Hollywood.

It also doesn’t help that many YouTubers have legions of followers experiencing a parasocial interaction as they sincerely believe they know their favorite influencers most intimately and that they’re good friends.

Whenever someone does anything which these followers view as casting the YouTuber in a negative or unfavorable light, they attack like hordes of flying monkeys. And some YouTubers absolutely cultivate, even weaponize this behavior.

Also, we can guarantee the YouTuber in question will try using the crash to boost his followership. There are people out there who just love drama like this and channels that serve it up can become sickeningly popular.

Images via r/mclaren