Due To Scott Evans' Bravery, Chris Evans Can Now Add Hairdresser To His Resume

Scott Evans, star of "Almost Love" and younger brother of Chris Evans, talks about shaving his head early on in the quarantine and how it has become a trend.

Video Transcript

MATT FORTE: I was trying to figure that out. The haircut-- the famous haircut now that you gave yourself.

SCOTT EVANS: I can't-- that is so silly.

MATT FORTE: It blew up, man. It went crazy.

SCOTT EVANS: Well, it blew up, and like now, it's becoming-- and you know, I did it very early on in the quarantine process. And now everybody is just like, whatever you do, don't shave your head. I know it's a dark time. You know, making jokes about it. I'm just like, all right. Everybody calm down. You know, I didn't expect it to be a giant thing, but it was like, it's funny because I did it myself, and then I had my brother fix up a couple spots.

MATT FORTE: Shaped it up, yeah.

SCOTT EVANS: And then of course, people saw the video and it's like, is there anything Captain America can't do? He cuts hair, he-- you know what I'm saying?

MATT FORTE: Of course people would talk about that.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, of course it is. Of course.

MATT FORTE: Did you return the favor? Did you cut Chris's hair, as well? Or no, he's good?

SCOTT EVANS: He had done it. He had done it that morning and he was like, you do yours. I was like, no, absolutely not. And then you know, as the news cycle progressed, it was sort of like, I'm not going anywhere for a while so let's cut it. But then this morning, I tried to give myself a little trim on the sides, and I--

MATT FORTE: Hence the hat, OK.

SCOTT EVANS: I used the wrong length, and so it's a little short on the sides.

MATT FORTE: Oh, no, it looks great. I could never-- I wish I could. I mean, I've never shaved it, so I don't know, but I believe this to be true of myself. I believe I have an odd-shaped head, so I don't think I could do the buzz.

SCOTT EVANS: I always thought that, too, and my brother is convinced I don't, so now I'm like, am I a shaved head guy? Who knows? I mean, the back-- I can't see what I'm doing in the back, so it's gonna be like a bowl cut.

MATT FORTE: It's full-length in the back. Exactly, yeah.

SCOTT EVANS: Oh, yeah. It's, like, fully Joe Exotic aesthetic.

MATT FORTE: On its way. Oh, my gosh. What a style icon to emulate right now.

SCOTT EVANS: I mean, he's one to emulate, for sure.