Dr. Pimple Popper Is Put To The Test With This Neck Cyst

Dr. Pimple Popper is back with a tricky one.

Do You Have An Iron Stomach?

Dr. Sandra Lee, a.k.a. Dr. Pimple Popper, is the queen of a weird corner of the internet. Sure, her videos of popping pustules and cyst extractions walk the line between fascinatingly gross and vomit inducing, but people can't stop watching. She's parlayed her fanbase into a TLC show and a book deal, so Lee is an undisputed queen of internet fame.

The One Comes With A Warning

Her latest video features a particularly stubborn neck cyst. While sometimes the cyst comes out in one big clump (barf), this one took a couple of tries to get fully extracted.

The Longer Version If You Dare

If you have a particularly strong stomach, Lee posted the longer version on her YouTube channel, if the Instagram highlight reel wasn't sufficient.