Dr. Phil Tells Mom What He Believes Her Motivation Is For Enabling Adult Child

Stephen calls his wife the “ultimate enabler.” He says she bails out their 27-year-old son, JJ, from every difficult situation he finds himself in.

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Susan, who calls JJ her “baby boy,” admits that even though JJ has stolen from her and Stephen, calls her names, lies around all day and doesn’t have a job, she still gives him money, buys things for him and even bought a camper for him to live in in their backyard. She insists she’s not an enabler; she’s just trying to “be helpful.”

“Enabler is not a big enough word for what you’re doing,” Dr. Phil tells Susan on Monday’s episode. “You are doing things to cripple him. But, you do realize that what you are doing is to make you feel better, not to make him get better.”

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Hear more of Dr. Phil’s advice in the video above. And on Monday’s episode, hear what JJ says about his relationship with his mother. When Dr. Phil offers this family a chance for help, will they all agree to follow his rules? Check here to see where you can watch.

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