Dr. Phil Reveals Surprising Information To Serial Dater About One Of The Men She’s Involved With

Dr. Phil Reveals Surprising Information To Serial Dater About One Of The Men She’s Involved With

Laura has been married 10 times to eight different men, but she’s not giving up on love. The 67-year-old says she enjoys going dancing and meeting new people, and is currently dating two men.

Her daughters, however, say they’re concerned for their mom’s safety because one of the men she married killed his wife and tried to strangle Laura.

In the video above from Tuesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, Dr. Phil reveals surprising information to Laura about one of the men she’s dating. How does she react? And, Dr. Phil offers Laura tips for staying safe while she dates – including how his wife, Robin’s, Aspire app could help keep her – and anyone who dates – safe.

This episode airs Tuesday. Watch more here.