Dr. Phil To Parents Of 18-Year-Old Sexual Predator: ‘He’s About As High A Risk For Re-Offense As I’ve Ever Met’

Jim and Kimberly say their 18-year-old son, Colin, has molested several young girls, including his younger sister on two different occasions. The parents admit that when they learned he had molested their daughter, they didn’t call the authorities. Child Protective Services only became involved when Kimberly took Colin to a counselor after the second time he violated his sister, and the counselor reported it.

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Colin was removed from the family home and has been enrolled in numerous sexual predator programs, but the teen admits he’s lazy and has not completed any of them.

WATCH: 18-Year-Old Describes Feelings He Got When He Molested His Sister

Jim says now that his son is older, he’s confident that he will not offend again. However, Dr. Phil tells him that he believes that conclusion is seriously mistaken.

“He’s about as high a risk for re-offense as I’ve ever met,” Dr. Phil tells the parents in the video above. “He has an attitude of entitlement, narcissism and no ownership, because he’s never been held to account for what he’s done. So why in the hell would he change what he’s doing? He’s never had consequence to what he’s done.”

WATCH: Teen Claims Her Brother Molested Her And Parents Did Nothing About It: ‘Life Went Back To Normal’

Watch more in the video above. And on Tuesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, hear from Colin and why he says he molested his sister. Is he ready to change? Check here to see where you can watch.

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How Being Sexually Molested As A Child Shapes A Person As An Adult