Dr. Phil To Guest: ‘Do You Remember Exposing Yourself To My Male Staff?’

Brandi’s ex-husband, Victor, claims she’s a severe alcoholic who becomes verbally abusive and physically violent when she drinks. He says he’s extremely concerned about the impact her behavior is having on their children.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Chaos in your life?

Brandi, who admits she has had multiple run-ins with law enforcement while under the influence, admits she sometimes makes poor decisions when she’s been drinking, but says she does everything to excess. She denies being an alcoholic.

Dr. Phil asks Brandi, “You were too drunk to do your original sit-down interview with my staff, were you not?”

“When I first got here? I wasn’t drunk the day that I came to sit down and talk to producers. I was nervous. But I wasn’t drunk; I didn’t drink that morning before I came,” she responds.

“The first time we tried to film with you, you were too drunk to do the filming,” he repeats.

“I don’t recall that,” she says.

What’s Brandi’s response when Dr. Phil asks, “Do you remember exposing yourself to my male staff?”

Part one of a two-part episode airs Monday. Then, tune in Tuesday when Brandi’s mother, Stephanie, joins the conversation, and hear why Brandi claims her upbringing is to blame for her behaviors as an adult.

Check here to find your local listing.

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