Dr. Phil Explains Why Sex Addiction Isn’t A Recognized Disorder

Dr. Phil Explains Why Sex Addiction Isn’t A Recognized Disorder

Adam admits he’s had sexual contact with multiple women throughout his marriage to Whitney, including exposing himself repeatedly to members of her family. He claims he’s a sex addict who has no control over his impulses.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: I’m living a nightmare!

Watch the video above to hear Dr. Phil explain the controversial topic of hypersexuality or sex addiction, why it’s not officially recognized as a disorder and isn’t currently something that can be diagnosed.

“Now, does that mean that what he’s doing is not self-destructive? No. It is self-destructive,” says Dr. Phil. “Does it mean it’s not change worthy? No. It is change worthy self-destructive behavior and I don’t believe he has a clue about what to do about it, how to attack this, how to get things where they need to be.”

When Dr. Phil refers Adam to The Gentle Path at the Meadows, which specializes men’s intimacy disorders, will he agree to go?

Check here to find out where you can watch Monday’s episode.

This program contains strong sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.

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