‘Downton Abbey’ Finale: The Happiest Place on Earth

After six seasons, the time finally came to say goodbye to Downton Abbey. But if you were expecting a sad ending, you were disappointed, because it was pretty much all good news, starting with Bertie and Edith. The two former flames reignited their romance and got married!

Lady Mary and Henry ended happily as well, with Henry investing in a car dealership and Lady Mary revealing that she’s with child!

Speaking of children, Rose came into town and showed off some pictures of her kids. And not to be out done by the aristocrats, Anna and John finally had a baby!

Also, Daisy got a haircut, and it appears that she and Andy are going to become an item — which is good because we don’t want her to get jealous when Ms. Patmore and Mr. Mason get together (fingers crossed).

There was a moment when things did seem a bit bleak, as Mr. Carson learned he has some type of “palsy.” But that moment was squashed when Lord Grantham asked him to retire on the estate and help manage events and the new butler, Mr. Barrow!

It may have been a little too positive of an ending for all the characters, but who doesn’t love a happy ending?

Below are some of Lady Mary’s best quotes!

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