Donald Trump: U2 singer Bono criticizes presidential candidate on Charlie Rose

Bono calls Donald Trump 'the worst idea that ever happened to America'

Bono thinks Donald Trump could “destroy” America. In an hour-long interview with Charlie Rose, the U2 singer said the Republican presidential nominee’s views are antithetical to what makes America great.

“America is like the best idea the world ever came up with, but Donald Trump is potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America,” he told Rose. “[He] could destroy it, because of what we’re saying. America is not just a country. … American is an idea, and that idea is banded up in justice and equality for all.

“I think of [Emma] Lazarus, those lines: ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free,'” Bono continued, citing “The New Colossus,” the poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. “This is America. This is not from Donald Trump’s playbook.”

Bono, 56, continued by saying he’s preached bipartisanship for 20 years and will continue to do so, adding he has friends and contributors to his ONE Campaign that are Republican. In his estimation, Bono doesn’t see Trump as a true part of that party.

“I think he’s hijacked the party, and I think he’s trying to hijack the idea of America,” he said. “I think it’s bigger than all of us. This is really dangerous. Wise people of conscience should not let this man turn your country into a casino.”

A spokesperson for Trump had no comment when reached by EW. See a clip from Bono’s interview with Rose above.