Donald Trump says people used to tell him he looked like Elvis

He's probably confusing looks with sociopathic tendencies.

Donald Trump says a lot of things. Agree to disagree, but most of them are complete bullshit, which was expected from him as a celebrity, but has become, well, something of a tiny nuisance for the Western world seeing how he’s now the President.

Well, as he’s wont to do, Trump has kept that tradition alive, and on his latest trip to Tupelo, Mississippi, he just couldn’t help himself from letting everyone know he has something in common with their own hometown hero, the late Elvis Presley.

According to The Wall Street Journal reporter Ken Thomas, Trump was quoted as saying, “Other than the blonde hair, when I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis … I always considered that a great compliment. We love Elvis.”

For starters, thank god the current administration supports the King, but also, Trump’s probably not wrong. However, whoever was making these dubious comparisons were more than likely attributing Trump’s sociopathic tendencies to that of Presley’s.

Though, to be fair, the two share far more in common now. After all, Trump loves slapping his name on things, he loves Las Vegas, and he loves falling asleep with fatty foods that will likely clog his arteries and lead to an embarrassing death.

If we’re lucky, he’ll also do the “Jailhouse Rock”!