Donald Trump on Sarah Palin as Running Mate Possibility

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump won the coveted endorsement of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Tuesday. Seeing as how Palin was Sen. John McCain’s running mate back in 2008, Today anchor Savannah Guthrie asked Donald if he was going to ask her to be his vice president.

“I haven’t discussed anything with her about what’d she do,” Trump said. “But she’s somebody I really like and I respect, and certainly, she could play a position [in his administration] if she wanted to.” “You wouldn’t rule her out as VP?” Guthrie asked, seeking clarification. “I don’t think she’d want to do it, I don’t think she’d want to do it,” Trump theorized. “And, you know, I really don’t get into it now, because that question is always asked of me, ‘Who do you have in mind?’ I don’t even think about VP right now.”

Interestingly, the idea of Trump being a VP candidate has been floated before — by Palin. On Saturday Night Live’s 40th anniversary special, Jerry Seinfeld was taking questions from the audience. A special guest that evening, Palin stood up and asked, “I’m just curious, Jerry, how much Lorne Michaels would pay me if I were to run in 2016?” “Run for president?” Seinfeld replied. “Sarah, I don’t think there’s a number too big.” “OK, just hypothetically then, what if I were to choose Donald Trump as my running mate?” Palin gave back. “Sarah, you’re teasing us!” Seinfeld exclaimed. “That’s not nice!”

During his interview, Donald was talking about how everyone loves Palin, “Every candidate wanted Sarah. I mean, everybody. They all respect her a lot.” It should be noted, though, Donald wasn’t exactly on board with Palin at first. As BuzzFeed noted, in a 2008 blog entry, Trump wrote, “Romney would have been a better choice” as John McCain’s running mate.

There’s no doubt Donald loves Palin now. “So many people are disappointed that she didn’t pick them,” he said. “But certainly there would be a role in the administration, if she wanted. And I’m not sure that she does want that. But there would certainly be a role.”

As a side note, McCain was asked by AP reporter Erica Werner about the endorsement Palin gave to Trump. Back in July, Trump demeaned McCain for his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam when he said, “I like people who weren’t captured.” McCain told Werner, “Palin is entitled to take any action she wants to, and we remain good and close friends.”

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