Donald Trump “Not At All Surprised” About Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Allegations

Right before Donald Trump headed to North Carolina, he spoke for the first time about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault allegations saying that he has known him for a long time and that he’s “not at all surprised to see it,” according to a White House pool report.

Trump’s reaction to the controversy surrounding Weinstein comes after his son got into a contentious exchange about the issue with Jimmy Kimmel on Twitter and on the one-year anniversary of the leaked Access Hollywood tape where Trump was heard talking to Billy Bush which was later referred to as the “Pussygate” scandal.

The recording, which has followed Trump since his campaign, has him saying crude remarks about a reporter and women in general. He can be heard saying how you can do anything “when you’re a star.” It was also the tape where he infamously said: “Grab ’em by the pussy.” He later dismissed his misogynistic dialogue as “locker room talk.”

Shortly after he said his short and sweet piece about Weinstein, he tweeted a farewell and headed off to North Carolina, telling everyone that big progress is being made on many fronts.

It is likely that this is the last we’ll hear about his thoughts on the issue considering his Access Hollywood “locker room talk” where he basically said that if you’re famous you can do anything you want.

The news about Weinstein came into the spotlight when the New York Times printed a story reporting decades of sexual harassment allegations against the producer. Actresses such as Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan came forward, opening the door for more to tell their story. Weinstein has since taken a leave of absence from the company.

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