Dog Chapman's Hair Stylist Is Getting Shamed Online For His Signature Look

Trolls online have zero chill.

Sharing His Stylist

Duane "Dog" Chapman is known for his signature 'do on his show Dog The Bounty Hunter. He decided to share his stylist Traci Estrada's information on Instagram, just in case any superfans wanted a bleach blonde mullet of their own.

Trolls Had No Mercy

However, online trolls decided to hijack the post in order to mock the mullet and shame Estrada. It got pretty nasty for what should have been a lighthearted post.

"I'd be getting a refund. Why are you posting this? If she is your stylist, she's not doing a very good job on your style."

"Hair looks bleached and dry, he cannot honestly look in the mirror and think he looks good."

His Signature Look

Some of the commenters stuck up for Dog's look, reminding people that "Dog without his mullet would be a crime." However, Dog eventually turned off the comments on the post because people were being too cruel.

Give The Guy A Break

Considering that Chapman is still grieving the recent loss of his wife Beth, it seems extra cruel to go after him online. Perhaps people should just mind their own business without commenting on things that don't concern them.