Documentary play about Wilmington's 1898 coup and massacre takes provocative stand

MoB Theatre presents "Wilmington Reconstructed" through April 30 at DREAMS.
MoB Theatre presents "Wilmington Reconstructed" through April 30 at DREAMS.

In Wilmington, 1898 never really goes away.

One hundred and 25 years ago on Nov. 10, white supremacists overthrew a biracial local government, killed dozens of Blacks and forced hundreds more to leave town under threat of death. The Port City's majority-Black population became a minority, almost overnight.

We're still dealing with the repercussions today (shocker), something explored with urgency and insight in "Wilmington Reconstructed," the so-called "documentary play" from Mouths of Babes Theatre that opened last weekend at DREAMS and has its final two performances Saturday and Sunday.

Not only is "Wilmington Reconstructed" a must-see, but it's arguably the most important original play ever produced in Wilmington.

With an assist from impressive technical elements — a simple but effective set by Matthew Augustin strewn with sheets of paper, haunting projections by Tylen Watts that show historic scenes of Wilmington, evocative sound design by Rylan Morsbach — director Trey Morehouse and an excellent, majority-Black cast, most if not all of whom appear to be under 30, construct an effective rebuttal to those, perhaps weary of hearing about 1898, who say to "get over it" and move on.

"Wilmington Reconstructed" shows why we can't, at least not until we, as a city, figure out how to repair the generational damage done by 1898.

Using dialogue sourced from dozens of interviews, as well as text from books about the tragedy and turn-of-the-century newspapers, "Wilmington Reconstructed" weaves a narrative that begins in the mid-1890s and takes us into the present day, exploring not just the horrific events of 1898, but the decades of fallout from them.

The show is set in a local middle-school class where, five years ago, students were learning about 1898 and how to research it from Wilmington author and New York Times contributor John Jeremiah Sullivan (played by Morehouse) and Sullivan's friend and research assistant, Joel Finsel (Nate Fullen).

MoB Theatre presents "Wilmington Reconstructed" through April 30 at DREAMS.
MoB Theatre presents "Wilmington Reconstructed" through April 30 at DREAMS.

More: How a Wilmington woman is connected to 1898 and to music history

The play expands from there, with the cast stepping up to portray multiple characters, everyone from newspaper editor Alexander Manly (an on-point Brielle Hadad-McKiver), whose Daily Record, the only Black daily in the country at the time, was a target of the white supremacists, to modern-day figures like historian Larry Reni Thomas (Dwayne Bell, excellent), firebrand activist Tim Joyner (Malachi Chapman) and educator Bertha Boykin Todd (Tatiana Pless).

Especially effective is the use of Black actors, including Bell and Amber Briana Moore, to portray white supremacists.

Along the way, "Wilmington Reconstructed" explores the complicity of white newspapers — including Raleigh's News & Observer and the ancestor of Wilmington's current-day StarNews — in fanning the flames of white supremacy, while offering devastating evidence to show how copies of the Daily Record were systematically destroyed, nearly erasing from the historical record the Black paper's coverage of everything from news of the day to cultural issues.

More: How elementary schools are teaching students about the 1898 Wilmington massacre

The show bogs down a little in the second act, repeating points and struggling to present multiple threads — the Wilmington 10, school redistricting, gentrification and reparations, among them — in a way that's sufficiently dramatic.

Overall, though, "Wilmington Reconstructed" does a commendable job of distilling more than a century of complex history into a potent, compelling and beyond-important two-hour show. As it should, the play ends on a hopeful note, positing that, with any luck, the young people like the ones featured on stage will be the ones to lead Wilmington on the road to a full and lasting recovery from this historic tragedy.

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This article originally appeared on Wilmington StarNews: Wilmington 1898 coup and massacre reconstructed in documentary play