Doctors pull 4-foot snake from woman's throat in wild video


New fear unlocked. In a recently resurfaced clip, a woman is seen laying on an operating table as doctors work to pull a snake from her throat. Rightfully so, many wondered how the slithery serpent got there. According to the Daily Mail UK, the uninvited guest made itself at home in the woman’s esophagus as she slept.

The incident was first reported in 2020. The UK outlet claims a Russian woman in the Republic of Dagestan began feeling sick, so she visited her local doctor. Once she arrived at the hospital, employees placed her under general anesthesia to further investigate the issue. The team of medical professionals were stunned at what they found. In a video that is now making its rounds on social media, doctors appeared horrified as they pulled the snake from the woman’s throat.

Viewers can see the shock on the faces of the hospital staff as they squealed at the disturbing discovery. After the snake was carefully pulled from the woman’s mouth, it was dropped into a nearby bowl. It is unclear if the reptile was still alive. Although the patient’s face appeared in the video, her identity was not released. It is also unknown what species the creature was. Daily Mail UK added that it’s not unheard of for snakes to find their way into the mouths of unsuspecting sleepers. Locals reportedly warn young residents to not take naps outside.

In a tweet from Saturday (Nov. 12), some users argued that it wasn’t a snake, but a parasite. Others joined the discussion noting that the intruder was too big for that explanation. Some wondered how the woman slept through the hair-raising situation. “This is crazy. I wonder how someone could sleep so [deeply] and a snake gets into your mouth. A 4-[foot] snake [and] still you couldn’t wake till it was completely in your stomach? Common? That’s crazy,” one person tweeted over the weekend.

Another user debated on if it was a reptile, but tried to theorize how one might make its way into someone’s mouth: “Yeah, looks too flat to be a snake. But if a person was super passed out drunk, I bet a certain size of snake could sneak in there. I don’t know what type of outcome would come of it, as it would more likely crawl into your lungs, [I] assume.”

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