Disneyland Brings Rogers: The Musical To California Adventure

Marvel’s Hawkeye series famously opened with Clint Barton attending a Broadway production based on the life and adventures of his former teammate, Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America. Unfortunately, the show’s ham-fisted re-telling of the Battle of New York led Clint to walk out before the curtain call. But perhaps Disneyland guests will be more receptive to its whims. Marvel has announced that Rogers: The Musical will make its debut on the Hyperion Stage at California Adventure later this year.

The fake musical was intentionally designed to be a cringe-worthy experience for someone who was actually there when Loki and the Chitauri attacked New York in The Avengers in 2012. However, those of us tuning at home couldn’t help but indulge in a little bit of schadenfreude whenever we saw one of Clint’s reaction shots. Although its fidelity to “real-life” events was suspicious (to say the least), the show managed to deliver a bone fide earworm with “Save the City,” an original song written for the series by Tony Award winners Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman.

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In addition to Marvel’s announcement, Disney Parks also released a brief teaser for the musical on Twitter earlier today. The clip features an actress dressed like Peggy Carter, who scans a playbill for the show before walking toward the Hyperion Theater. You can check it out for yourself below.

The show is described as a “one-act musical” that will only be available to experience for a limited time. Disneyland has yet to announce an official opening date, but it’s expected to launch sometime this summer.

Will you be checking out Rogers: The Musical at Disneyland this year? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Captain America Vol. 1: Winter In America

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