Disney and Star Wars -- Who owns what characters now?

Disney owns Luke Skywalker, Iron Man, and Kermit: Your guide to what movie studios own which beloved icons

Disney’s kabillion-dollar acquisition of Lucasfilm is a pop culture mega-merger, combining one of the most beloved companies in the post-industrial world with one of the largest multimedia fictional universes of the modern age. It’s almost unprecedented…except that Disney did the same thing a few years ago, when it purchased Marvel Entertainment, thus beginning the long march to the outrageously popular The Avengers. In a Hollywood landscape which depends on pre-existing brands, the rights to pretty much every famous character or franchise have spread throughout Hollywood. In an effort to help you keep track of who owns what, here’s a list of all the major studios and the properties they control:

READ MORE: EW’s full coverage of the Disney-Lucasfilm deal


Star Wars

Various Marvel characters (With a few exceptions: See Sony and Fox.)

Every Pixar creation

The Muppets

Winnie the Pooh


Spider-Man (woo-hoo!)

Ghost Rider [Sad trombone]

Warner Bros.

All DC Comics characters

All Looney Tunes characters


All the Universal Monsters, including The Mummy and The Wolfman (Although they don’t own the concept of “mummies” and “werewolves” — just the specific way those characters were represented in the original Universal monster movies.)

Jason Bourne

Twentieth Century Fox:

X-Men and various X-related Marvel characters (including Deadpool)

Planet of the Apes

Fantastic Four

The Aliens/Prometheus franchise


The Hobbit

James Bond



Transformers and GI Joe (via a deal with Hasbro)

Star Trek

Follow Darren on Twitter: @DarrenFranich

Read more:

Who should direct new ‘Star Wars’ movie? Christopher Nolan? Joss Whedon? J.J. Abrams?

Disney buying Lucasfilm, prepping new ‘Star Wars’ movies for 2015 and beyond — VIDEO