Disney Orders 'Rogue One' Reshoots to Better Align With 'Star Wars' Tone

The most anticipated movie of the holiday season may already be running into some trouble. Multiple outlets are reporting Disney has requested extensive reshoots for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story this summer. Apparently, after seeing a preliminary cut from director Gareth Edwards, execs felt Rogue One’s tone was closer to a war movie than to a classic Star Wars film.

Should this be cause for alarm? Not exactly. First, Edwards is known for being very hands-on with his projects, preferring as little studio influence as possible. So this was likely the first time anyone at Disney had gotten a sense of what Rogue One was all about.

Second, if the film was ready now, Disney would simply have done a summer release. The fact that execs are taking their time to make sure Rogue One is excellent is actually encouraging. And the actors and crew had already factored in time for reshoots prior to this announcement.

And third, as one source pointed out, “This is the closest thing to a prequel ever. This takes place just before A New Hope and leads up to the 10 minutes before that classic film begins. You have to match the tone!” One of the reasons Disney bought the franchise in the first place was for the brand recognition, so it’s not strange that the company would want a lighter atmosphere from Rogue One.

There are also rumors that the reshoots could incorporate Alden Ehrenreich, who was recently cast as Han Solo for Disney’s additional spinoffs. Ehrenreich was not present for any of Rogue One’s principal photography.

Should we be worried about the state of Rogue One? Is Disney gonna blow the whole thing up like the Death Star? Or is this Disney covering its bases?

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