Director James Toback Accused of Sexual Harassment By Over 30 Women

The 'Two Girls and a Guy' director denies the allegations made by over 30 women over a twenty year period.

Writer/director James Toback, best known for movies like Bugsy, Two Girls and A Guy, and Black & White, is being accused by multiple women of sexual harassment over a 22 year period.

According to The Los Angeles Times, Toback is being accused by 38 women -- 31 of whom went on record with the paper -- describing an alleged pattern of intimidation and inappropriate behavior, including lewd comments and touching.

Toback, 72, denied the allegations to the Times, and said he either had never met or or barely recalled meeting the women making the claims. He also indicated that it was "biologically impossible" for him to engage in the behavior he is accused of due to health issues, including diabetes and a heart condition that required medication.

ET has also reached out to Toback and his rep for comment.

In the wake of the article, The Fosters star Sherri Saum shared her own alleged experience with the director on Twitter, using the hashtag "#pig."

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"This guy approached me at industry event in NYC somewhere around 2003," Saum claimed. "He invited me to dinner to discuss my career (I was SO stoked)."

She continued, describing the alleged harassment at the restaurant.

"Before our meal even arrived he was asking me all these inappropriate and outlandish sexual questions -- seriously deranged and sick questions," the actress continued.

Saum says that she left after the allegedly inappropriate questions.

"So disgusted, disillusioned and pissed off," she concluded.

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The allegations against Toback are yet another story coming out of Hollywood about women being sexually harassed and assaulted in the industry, after the Harvey Weinstein scandal opened a floodgate of women sharing their alleged experiences.

Reese Witherspoon recently shared her own story harassment and assault at the age of 16 at Elle's 24th Annual Women in Hollywood Celebration earlier last week.

"Hearing all the stories these past few days and hearing these brave women speak up tonight about things that we’re kind of told to sweep under the rug and not to talk about, it’s made me want to speak up and speak up loudly because I actually felt less alone this week than I have ever felt in my entire career," she expressed. "I have just spoken to so many actresses and writers, particularly women, who have had similar experiences and many of them have bravely gone public with their stories."

For more on her story, watch the video below.

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