Dimpleplasties Are the Latest Fad in Plastic Surgery

Close-up portrait of beautiful woman
Close-up portrait of beautiful woman


There's a new option for people who can't seem to get enough of the dimples belonging to stars like Gabrielle Union, Miranda Kerr and Brad Pitt's — a procedure called dimpleplasty.

Plastic surgeons have seen a rise in requests for surgically-created dimples, something Dr. Wright Jones, MD and founder of Muse Plastic Surgery, credits to social media.

"I think that our social media-driven culture is aiding to the demand," Dr. Jones tells PEOPLE. "Our selfie-driven culture is likely contributing to why we are getting more dimpleplasty requests. Our patient demographic requesting this procedure includes millennial women who fall within a middle to high socioeconomic level."

The $1,550 procedure is minimally invasive, he says, and takes just about 30 minutes. Surgeons make an incision inside of the mouth in the cheek muscle, which is "then attached to the undersurface of the skin so that the dimples are seen upon animation, but not with the face is relaxed," Dr. Jones explains.

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He started offering the procedure a few years ago and estimates that he's performed about 80 dimpleplasties since, adding that requests have "tripled" over the last year.

But not all surgeons are fans of the procedure. Dr. Sheila Nazarian, a board-certified plastic surgeon with a practice in Beverly Hills, "highly cautions" people against changing their face for what she says is just a fad.

"I spend most of the time on the initial consultation, because it's difficult to reverse once they've done it," Dr. Nazarian says. "Letting them know what to expect afterwards, letting them know the permanency of it, that it's difficult to reverse, that we can try to make it less noticeable if they change their minds, but I can't guarantee that I can totally reverse it."

"If you're going to undergo any sort of surgery on your face that's not a nose job or overall improving the proportions of your face — if this is a fad that you're going with — I would highly caution people to avoid it. But if they convince me that they're not going to regret it later, then I go ahead."