What You Didn't See During MTV Movie & TV Awards — Tiffany Haddish Flirts! Chris Pratt Charms!

Tiffany Haddish put her delightfully raunchy stamp on the 2018 MTV Movie & TV Awards as host. But despite her hilarious performance, it was the behind-the-scenes action that had tongues wagging for those in the room on Saturday night when the show taped.

Here’s what PEOPLE saw go down at the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California.

Tiffany Haddish flirted with Michael B. Jordan when the opening went wrong

Haddish’s “Black Unicorn” entrance seems to go of without a hitch, expect for a minor malfunction in one of the self-inflating baby bumps which led MTV to shoot the dance and song sequence a second time.

The comedienne took the time during the break to playfully flirt with a front-row sitting Michael B. Jordan, the man responsible for television’s first-ever “immaculate conception.”

Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner
Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian kept to themselves

Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian West sat together for the show, but weren’t seen interacting with many others during the taping. The pair took some photos with fans and were visited by comedian Jeffrey Ross. After taking their award for Best Reality Show, the white-clad duo disappeared.

Chris Pratt was the man of the night

Generation Award winner Chris Pratt started his evening off with a quick visit to the restroom. As he was at the sink washing his hands, an attendant at the faucet next to him said, “Man, you just like Chris Pratt!”. The actor, laughing, quipped, “I hope so, I am Chris Pratt!” — leaving the attendant to say, “Damn, that was Chris Pratt!”

Pratt, seated at his table next to pal, Aubrey Plaza, was a popular destination for the other honorees of the evening. He was visited by Chadwick Boseman and other members of the Black Panther cast, as well as several of the young stars from Stranger Things. Always the class act, Pratt took the time to stand up and chat with everyone who stopped by during the breaks, even breaking into a mini-shoulder shuffle at one point when DJ Pauly D hit the right note.

13 Reasons Why crew know how to party

They may not have taken home any golden popcorn but the 13 Reasons Why table put on a spectacular show of how to enjoy an awards show. The actors were seen laughing and bonding during the entire taping of the show.

The<em> Black Panther</em> cast
The Black Panther cast

Black Panther cast shared a warm embrace

After winning Best Hero and introducing “real life hero” James Shaw Jr., the Black Panther star was embraced by his costars when he got back to his table. It was a visibly touching moment for the cast.