Did You Know Pierce Brosnan Can Breathe Fire (and Other Hidden Celebrity Talents)?

All celebrities have some sort of talent. Be they actors, singers, musicians, or dancers, there is usually a very good reason that they have become the stars they are today. But did you know some celebrities have a hidden talent as well? A secret skill they learned when they were young — and something that has nothing to do with their current career choice? Here are some favorites:

  • McDreamy himself, Patrick Dempsey, can ride a unicycle.

  • Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page is an expert juggler.

  • The smoldering look of Colin Farrell once dazzled on the dance floor — line dancing, that is.

  • Superspy Brosnan — Pierce Brosnan — is also super at eating fire, as he once demonstrated on Muppets Tonight.

  • The beautiful Jennifer Garner also plays a sexy saxophone. Not as well as Kenny G, but she can definitely handle “Three Blind Mice.”

  • And Justin Bieber will always be a child at heart — he can solve a Rubik’s Cube in less than two minutes.

See what Paris Jackson had to say about her late father:

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