‘Did You Really Want Them Dead In The Moment?’ Dr. Phil Asks Woman Convicted In Murder-For-Hire Plot

‘Did You Really Want Them Dead In The Moment?’ Dr. Phil Asks Woman Convicted In Murder-For-Hire Plot

Tara Lambert was arrested in July 2015 after giving $125 to a man she believed was a hitman but was actually an undercover police officer. The former model admits that she wanted someone to hurt and “disable” her then husband’s ex, Kellie Cooke, mother to her stepchildren.

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In undercover police video, Lambert can be heard telling the “hitman” that she wants Cooke “away, gone,” and she laughs as she asks him to put her in a “lumberjack chopper.”

In an exclusive interview with Dr. Phil airing Tuesday, Lambert attempts to explain her comments.

“Are you lying to yourself about what you wanted then? Did you really want them dead in the moment?” Dr. Phil asks.

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“I can honestly tell you I was never thinking about her dead,” Lambert says.

“You’re hiring a hitman to kill a woman but you’re saying, ‘I didn’t know we were talking about killing.’ I mean, I can go with you on a point that you didn’t actually think this was going to happen. I can’t go with you on the point that you don’t think you were talking about having somebody killed,” Dr. Phil tells her.

Watch more in the video above. And on Tuesday, will Lambert finally admit the truth? Did she really want Kellie dead? Check here to see where you can watch.

Man Whose Former Wife Was Convicted In Murder-For-Hire Plot Speaks Out