What Did the Kardashian's Do to Make Their Fans Mad?

The Kardashian family has done some things throughout the 17 seasons they have been on the air that have really upset some people and downright pissed people off. Whether you love them, hate them, or love to hate them, and hate to love them, they are here and don't seem to be going anywhere any time soon.

The KarJenner clan seems to live for drama. Of course, they do, since that is what the show lives on. Who would really want to watch a boring old reality show without any drama added in? No one, right? So, what did they do this time to make people so mad and disgusted at them?


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There have been many controversies within the family. The Kardashian's have had their fair share of trouble in paradise, that's for sure. For example, right before the show started, Kim Kardashian found herself caught in a sex tape scandal with her boyfriend at the time, Ray J. Apparently, she made a private sex tape with him and it was leaked to the public.

There have been many more drama-filled times for the family. They have been accused of stealing things such as designs and ideas from people for their own projects.

There are other things the KarJenner clan has done to piss people off, even their die-hard fans. Not too long ago when the wildfires were going on in California, Kim and Kourtney were overheard speaking insensitively about them.

Khloe Kardashian has even been accused of selling bad weight loss products to her more than 100 social media followers. As in weight loss products that may not work or that can hurt you. Man, let's hope she really didn't do that though.

Although they have done some stuff in the past and have been called out for it by fans and those who can't stand them, they have done something really stupid to piss people off this time and have been called out for it, once again. So, what did the family do this time to make everyone so outraged at them?

Since everyone knows so much about the KarJenners already, they shouldn't be too surprised by their actions. However, this time, they have really pissed people off. Even if they thought what they were doing was all in good fun.

The recent video that was shared on social media and promoting their new episode coming up on Sunday is what has fans so outraged and disgusted with them. In the video, you can see Khloe, Kim, and Kourtney involved in a huge food fight with their mom and manager, Kris Jenner.

It isn't much about the fighting that has people so mad at them, it is really about the major amount of food that they wasted in the process of the fight. Of course, they seem to be having fun but they don't have to ever worry about starving, ever! Not like so many other people in this world do. Those involved in the family food fight included the three sisters, momager, Kris Jenner, and her boyfriend, Corey Gamble. Fans were not happy or amused by wasting as much food as they did.

After seeing the massive amount of food the family wasted during the food fight, fans were downright furious and disgusted with them. And, rightfully so, considering the family is millionaires and there are so many hungry people all around the world, especially children.

Fans started calling them out on their disgusting behavior, telling them how disgusting and insensitive they were to waste so much food.

"Such a waste!"

"Makes me cringe to think of all the food that was wasted."

"Not cool! So many people don't have food. It's very sad to see that."

One person even commented telling them they needed to come to Mexico to see how many children are literally starving to death there.

They continued commenting:

“That’s very insensitive!! There’s ppl that can barely afford to have breakfast.”

“Shame on all of you , people would give their right arm for that food!! Disgusting.” Another added.

And another one said, "All I can think about is how many hungry kids we have in this world and y’all throwing food around SMH There is other things to throw around besides food.”

You get the picture.

We do have to give one of the KarJenner clan some credit, however. Khloe did comment on how terrible their behavior was. Even though she was involved with it too. She said, “This is, in any normal person’s world, bizarre, disturbing, and unacceptable.” At least she had something to say, right?

What do you think about this behavior? Do you agree that it is disgusting and unacceptable as well since so many people would do anything to have the food they need? Sound off with your comments below and let us all know what you think!