Dick Clark Twitter tributes

Ryan Seacrest, Mario Lopez, and other celebs tweet tributes to the late Dick Clark

Dick Clark died today of a heart attack, but the 82-year-old left a mark on the world of television and pop-culture that will never be forgotten. Millions of Americans of multiple generations grew up watching him on TV, in iconic programming such as American Bandstand, game shows, TV’s Bloopers and Practical Jokes, and, of course, his New Year’s Eve show. Not surprisingly, the Twitterverse is alive with tributes from those who knew and admired him. We’ve featured a few of the tweets below, and you can check out all of the tributes from Clark’s famous friends on our Storify feed below.

“I am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend Dick Clark. He has truly been one of the greatest influences in my life.” — Ryan Seacrest

“Very sad to hear about Dick Clark. What a great life. What a great career. Relevant until the end. He will be missed!” — Joan Rivers

“Dick Clark was eternally young. No matter what culturally phenomenon was happening, he always embraced it. RIP…” — Russell Simmons

“Just heard the news of Dick Clark… It was truly an honor to have worked with him, learn from him and to be able to call him a friend. He was a great man and an even better friend. The word legend is thrown around a lot, but it’s never more appropriate than when used in describing Mr. Clark. He was a real inspiration & influence in my life. I will dearly miss my friend… Rest well DC….” — Mario Lopez

“Back in the 1960’s the pop culture catch-phrase was “Never trust anyone over 30″. Dick Clark was trustworthy all…” — Heart

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