Diana Gabaldon talks Outlander novel 'Written in My Own Heart's Blood'

To the Diana Gabaldon fans out there: You’ve been waiting patiently for the next Outlander novel since 2009’s An Echo in the Bone, but you’ll still have to wait until December for the eighth installment, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood. The novel will follow your favorite characters through revolutionary Philadelphia as Jamie makes a dramatic return to Claire’s side, a new army sweeps the city, and romance and violence brew. While you’re waiting, Gabaldon has taken the time to tease Written in My Own Heart’s Blood without giving anything away. See below for some intriguing answers to your most burning questions and an exclusive look at the cover — which isn’t as simple as it looks:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: The ending of the last Outlander novel thrilled some and infuriated some, and left all your fans in agony. It’s been four long years, so please assure us that there’s resolution in the beginning of Written in My Own Heart’s Blood?

DIANA GABALDON: Oh, yes. If you’re lucky, there will be quite a bit in the end, too.

What have your readers been most vocal about since An Echo in the Bone?


2. You left that poor little boy alone in that tunnel ALL THIS TIME?!?

3. OMG, what’s Jamie going to do to Lord John?!? What will he do to CLAIRE?!?!?

4. The next book isn’t the LAST ONE, is it?!? (No, it’s not.)

Where does the title come from?

From the rock polisher in the back of my brain. I throw Evocative, Significant, or Euphonious Words in there by the handful, let them tumble around, and now and then I pull them out to see if any of them are shiny yet.

How does this one differ from previous Outlander novels?

You notice the symbol on the cover? It’s an octothorpe. That’s because I’m juggling eight storylines here (and one of them has to do with the printing trade). The books are all different, in tone, approach, theme, shape/structure, and (of course) plot. This one is shaped like a chord progression, and the one-word theme is “Betrayal.”

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