Diablo 4 drops another "launch trailer" weeks before release, and fans can't take much more

 Diablo 4 antagonist Lilith
Diablo 4 antagonist Lilith

Diablo 4 has another trailer out meant to celebrate the long-awaited sequel's impending release, which is still just a day over two weeks from now.

The new story trailer shows Diablo 4's main antagonist, Lilith, raising literal hell in preparation for her battle with the rogue angel Inarius. The cinematic is appropriately bloody - there's decapitation, face-impaling, and head-smashing - and just like the last story trailer, it's set to one of the few songs from a modern pop star befitting of its contents, in this case 'Nightmare' by Halsey. The thing is, with an agonizing 15 days until launch, not counting Early Access, I'm not sure fans can take much more hype.

"Help. I can't sleep, I just go to bed and theorycraft builds. I'm trapped in an endless torment of waiting for this game," reads a reply to the video from Steve Kimberley.

Meanwhile, a YouTube account called The Saga pretty much sums up the general response to the trailer: "This game needs to come out now. The anticipation is killing me!"

"This is going to be the longest week wait of my life," echoes another comment.

"I CANNOT WAIT! Literally lost motivation to play every other game because I'm just waiting for this to come out," and on and on it goes.

While these responses definitely seem dramatic, it is true that Blizzard's pre-release marketing campaign has been running on all 12 cylinders for several months now, with three open beta weekends, not to mention countless trailers and developer livestreams, in the run-up to the June launch.

The betas have been generally well-received, and with each one serving as a stress test for the servers, Blizzard has said it's "confident" that the full launch will be a relatively smooth affair. However, with four seasons a year adding "fresh concepts and ideas," it remains to be seen if the sequel can keep fans happy in the long-term.

Diablo 4 hits Early Access on June 1 and fully launches on June 6 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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