Despite incidents of vandalism, Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame star will not get added security

The Los Angeles Police Department does not have the manpower to protect individual stars.

Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been vandalized on several occasions over the last year, including at the hands of a pickaxe-wielding Death Grips-listening guitarist. Last Wednesday the star was again vandalized — not once, but twice. In the span of a few hours, one person spray-painted swastikas on the star, while another poured fake blood on top of it.

Despite the increase in vandalism, the Los Angeles Police Department has no intention to increase its security presence around the star. According to TMZ, the department does not have the manpower to protect an individual star — and will only respond to incidents of vandalism after the fact.

Of course, the Los Angeles City Council and Hollywood Chamber of Commerce could resolve the situation by following the lead of the West Hollywood City Council, which recently voted unanimously to approve a resolution urging for the removal of Trump’s star.

Or, maybe, they could just build a wall around it.