Democrats Need to Stop With the Closed-Door Hearings Where We Get Shards of the Truth

Photo credit: Alex Wong - Getty Images
Photo credit: Alex Wong - Getty Images

From Esquire

In 1950, screenwriter and novelist Dalton Trumbo began an 11-month sabbatical at a federal facility in Ashland, Kentucky. He was sent there for refusing to name names before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Years later, in a documentary about those years, Trumbo told the filmmakers:

As far as I was concerned, it was a completely just verdict. I had contempt for that Congress and have had contempt for several since. And on the basis of guilt or innocence, I could never really complain very much. That this was a crime or misdemeanor was the complaint, my complaint.

From September of 1996 to March of 1998, Susan McDougal was incarcerated on a charge of civil contempt for refusing to answer what she believed were loaded questions before the Whitewater grand jury convened by that inexcusable excuse for a human being, Kenneth Starr. Get another special counsel, she told Starr's prosecutors, and I'll answer questions. Instead, she was chucked into jail and, as an added punishment, McDougal was shuffled all over the country in a series of meaningless transfers between facilities. Ultimately, after McDougal had served four months for fraud, Starr's office tried her for criminal contempt and couldn't convince a jury.

And Hope Hicks sleeps at home tonight.

Photo credit: Alex Wong - Getty Images
Photo credit: Alex Wong - Getty Images

There used to be actual consequences for refusing to testify when called before bodies like congressional committees and federal grand juries. People went to jail. They were fined within an inch of their net worth. These penalties could be assessed fairly or unfairly, but the ability to levy them had some power and authority behind it. Once again, all old things are made new again, or, as Peter Pan put it in a vastly different context, everything is possible if you wish it to be so. From Politico:

Several House Judiciary Committee members exiting the closed-door interview said a White House lawyer present for her testimony repeatedly claimed Hicks had blanket immunity from discussing her tenure as a top aide to the president, including during the presidential transition period. Democrats said she wouldn’t answer questions as basic as where she sat in the West Wing or whether she told the truth to Mueller. “We’re watching obstruction of justice in action,” said Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.). “It’s a farce,” added Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who said Hicks at one point tried to answer a question about an episode involving former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski only to be cut off by the White House counsel.

Yes, Representative Lieu, you bloody well are. And yes, Representative Jayapal, it bloody well is. A former staffer, backed up by a second-string lawyer from a lawless administration*, just told the Congress of the United States to take Article I of the Constitution and stuff it. And she slept at home Wednesday night.

Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) said Hicks answered some questions about alleged hush-money payments Donald Trump directed to women accusing him of extramarital affairs just before the 2016 presidential election. But Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), who described Hicks’ testimony as a “building block,” said, “we’ll have to move toward court proceedings to delve into those questions more deeply.”

Cicilline also said Hicks answered questions about campaign meetings during which Wikileaks was discussed, but said lawmakers gleaned little new information. He added that Hicks, in the first hour of her questioning, expressed no regret and did not acknowledge that any of her public statements during the campaign were false - despite clear evidence to the contrary, including her admission to the House Intelligence Committee last year that she sometimes told “white lies” on Trump’s behalf.

Enough with this. Enough with closed-door hearings and backroom deals being cut for the purpose of being granted microscoping shards of the actual truth behind actual crimes. Drop a subpoena on Robert Mueller. Get into the pockets of stonewalling witnesses with fines sufficient unto their obstruction. Exercise the option of inherent contempt and exercise it vigorously.

Photo credit: Tom Williams - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tom Williams - Getty Images

Back in 1927, in a case called McGrain v. Daugherty, which involved the brother of Warren Harding's corrupt attorney general, Harry Daugherty, and which upheld the arrest and detention of the brother for failing to comply with a House subpoena, Supreme Court Justice Willis Van Devanter wrote:

“Each house of Congress has power, through its own process, to compel a private individual to appear before it or one of its committees and give testimony needed to enable it efficiently to exercise a legislative function belonging to it under the Constitution. This has support in long practice of the houses separately, and in repeated Acts of Congress, all amounting to a practical construction of the Constitution.”

The Congress can do all of this while simultaneously pursuing redress through the courts, which is all Congress seems to be doing at the moment. No more earnest thumb-sucking over phony White House legal theorizing. (In McGrain, the Court ruled that every congressional subpoena must be assumed to have a legislative purpose, and if there is also an investigative function to it, that's just tough. That's for you, William Barr.) And, yes, open the damn impeachment inquiry. Announce it on live television, with bunting and balloons and band music. Either that, or stage an elaborate funeral both for the Constitutional order and the concept of irony. Bury them deep in the ground and go on with the farcical parade.

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