New Deadly Sonic Shrimp Named After Pink Floyd

Synalpheus pinkfloydi has big pink claws capable of killing other fish

By Matthew Strauss.

A new species of shrimp has been named after Pink Floyd, as NPR points out. The shrimp is called Synalpheus pinkfloydi, and it has large pink claws that open and close quickly enough to create frequencies up to 210 decibels (which is louder than most rock shows), capable of killing small fish within its proximity. Coincidentally, a 1992 Pink Floyd biography stated that the band once played a loud enough outdoor concert to kill fish in a pond. One of the scientists who discovered the shrimp—Dr. Sammy De Grave, head of research at Oxford University Museum of National History—however, has said that they named it after the band simply because of its pink claws. Additionally, he said the “Have a Cigar” line, “Oh, by the way, which one of you is Pink?” was just “stuck in [their] mind.” Check out a photo of Synalpheus pinkfloydi below, and learn more about the species [here](

Find out where Pink Floyd placed in “The 200 Best Songs of the 1970s.”

This story originally appeared on Pitchfork.

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