Dave Navarro blasts Geraldo Rivera for running TV episode about murder of his mother

Geraldo Rivera has never been one overly concerned with journalistic integrity, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that his new docu-series for Reelz is already mired in controversy. The latest episode of Rivera’s true crime series, Murder in the Family, chronicles the death of Dave Navarro’s mother at the hands of her ex-boyfriend in 1981.

Navarro previously discussed the tragedy in the 2015 documentary, Mourning Son, but he turned down Rivera’s overtures to participate in Murder in the Family. As the Jane’s Addiction guitarist tells it in a new Instagram post, Rivera opted “to run [the episode[ anyway with inaccurate facts and total abandon for the triggering effect a program of this nature could have on the families.”

‘I understand that true crime is a big moneymaker, in fact I am a fan of programs such as this, but when they chase down the dollar instead of having the feelings of the loved ones in mind, that’s when I have to say something,” Navarro added.

“I’m personally ok as I have told this story myself in my documentary #MourningSon but this is an opportunity to stand up for the other families that don’t get a choice whether or not they have their stories told to millions without their consent!”

You can read Navarro’s full post below.

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Instagram Photo


For his part, Rivera has yet to respond to Navarro’s criticism. Instead, the Trump sycophant is busy chastising real reporters for the way they’re covering Robert Mueller’s investigation of Donald Trump.