Daughter Claims Her Dad ‘Does Nothing But Smoke Weed And Dress Like A Teenager’

Daughter Claims Her Dad ‘Does Nothing But Smoke Weed And Dress Like A Teenager’

Tori says that after her parents divorced 16 years ago, her father, Jeff, moved with her and her two brothers into his mother, Janet’s, house. She claims Jeff has been “mooching” off her grandmother ever since.

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Tori says she’s “fed up” with her dad, who she claims is immature, emotionally unavailable, and won’t get a “meaningful job.”

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“He does nothing, but smoke weed and dress like a teenager,” says Tori, adding that Jeff “expects everything to be handed to him.”

“I feel so terrible for my grandma because she had to come out of retirement just to support us,” she continues. Tori says if her dad doesn’t change, “then we’re done.”

Why does Jeff say he “didn’t realize” how bad things were?

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