Datamined Lords of the Fallen release date points to an October launch

 Lords of the Fallen
Lords of the Fallen

The release date for Lords of the Fallen appears to have been datamined.

Twitter account Aggiornamenti Lumia, known for datamining information from various Microsoft stores, posted an image of the upcoming Soulslike suggesting that the game's launch is planned for October 13.

Currently, the only release information we have for the game is a generic '2023' window. It's also worth noting that there's been no word from anyone behind Lords of the Fallen, but Aggiornamenti Lumia has a decent track record - just a few weeks ago, the account correctly predicted the release date for F1 23, several days ahead of its official announcement.

With the corpse of E3 2023 just around the corner, Lords of the Fallen previews making the rounds over the past few months, and a couple of star-studded trailers reintroducing players to the series in the past year or so, it wouldn't be a surprise to see a Lords of the Fallen release date drop early in the summer. Summer Games Fest seems a likely candidate, although perhaps this Microsoft store datamine is evidence of an appearance at the Xbox Summer Showcase.

It's clear that its developers have big plans for Lords of the Fallen - Hexworks is taking aim at the title of 'Dark Souls 4.5', combining aspects of all of FromSoftware's Soulslikes in its attempt to become a bonafide second-place in a genre that's notoriously lacking any real competition for its frontrunner.

You know what else Lords of the Fallen is battling Dark Souls over? Whether one of its new bosses can be as gross as Gaping Dragon.