Darth Maul Star Wars game developers revive project

Studio behind canceled Darth Maul Star Wars game is hoping to resurrect project

While the focus of Star Wars‘ current video game adaptations has been squarely on the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront, the developers of a cancelled game set in a galaxy far, far away are hoping for a second chance at their project.

Dan Borth of Red Fly Studio held an AMA on Reddit where he said the studio is “currently working on resurrecting” a Darth Maul-focused project they were creating for Lucas Arts. The project was canceled, but Borth says the studio hopes to approach Electronic Arts, which has an exclusive publishing deal with Disney for all console Star Wars games, with evidence for why the project should be revived.

“…We are currently working on a full next gen demo of all things Maul to show to the powers that be. It’s been a lot of work on our off time,” Borth said, explaining that they’ve been hard at work on a demo to show EA, which would have to approve the project for it to grow beyond this passion project demo.

Borth also responded to a question about how much love for the original trilogy is being shown in Battlefront as opposed to the prequel trilogy, and whether that hurts the project’s chances.

“Hopefully EA will see the value in us reskinning our combat mechanic to be more in line with what they are thinking for Star Wars if they are not interested in Maul,” Borth said.

Red Fly’s previous licensed work also includes a Ghostbusters game, a Thor title, and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles downloadable game. Read the full AMA for more details on what the scope of Red Fly’s original project was. Star Wars Battlefront will release on Nov. 17.