Dark Magic

Talk about a bewitching finale: The walls came tumblin’ down in East End when Ingrid (Rachel Boston) opened the portal to Asgard, the town’s own Hellmouth, as Freya’s (Jenna Dewan Tatum) jilted groom Dash (Eric Winter) sent his unconscious brother Killian (Daniel DiTomasso) out to sea. With the male siblings’ stolen powers now uncloaked, this means war — or at least warlocks. ”Killian will appear in episode 1, but not in the way you are expecting,” exec producer Maggie Friedman teases. Things will get bloodier as the Gardiners embark on a magical learning curve — and another Beauchamp will die (for good this time). ”As Dash comes into his powers, he begins to play God, with very dark consequences,” says Friedman. But don’t worry: The dude drama won’t mess with the series’ girl-power mojo. ”We never want to feel like the boys are controlling or the girls are damsels,” Friedman says. ”At its core, the show is about a family and the relationships between different generations. The women together — it’s the heart of the show.”