Your Daily Singles Horoscope for July 06, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


If you find yourself crying or laughing at odd moments during the day, that's okay. Nothing, least of all your emotions, makes sense today. If you're heading out, bring someone along who gets you.


It's a day of fits and starts. You just can't kick up the momentum to do anything. Just accept your limitations and pick a low-key activity. Responding to emails or rearranging your underwear drawer isn't exciting, but it's productive!


Has anyone ever called you a control freak? Okay, you're on a tear today, so what? If the people around you are complaining, either they need to leave or you've gotta mellow out.


You're vulnerable to energy swings today. One minute you're dozing at your desk, the next you're trying to end world hunger. What's it going to be? Your best bet is to take advantage of the highs and rest during the lows.


Nothing really goes your way today. You expected to hear back from that one prospect, but mum's the word. Be proactive. Call. Once. Don't hound. Don't send a million texts. If you can't get hold of this person the first time, the ball's in their court.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨


If an unexpected expense falls in your lap today, consider it a blessing in disguise. It's a wake-up call. Your finances are precariously thin and it's about time you grasped the reality of it. Don't panic, but do make some decisions.


You're definitely not in control today. It seems as if life has settled in the driver's seat and kicked you completely out of the car. The Universe will keep you out of harm's way. It's up to you to let go.


You're quiet today, and that's rare. You're usually talking nonstop. What's the silence all about? Afraid of being judged or saying the wrong thing? Don't overthink it. Your words really don't have that much power over anyone.


A snap decision could put you in conflict with another person, someone who could make or break you. Now's a bad time to compare who's got the biggest weapon. Better to put them away. A showdown won't turn out in your favor.


What you wouldn't give for an afternoon of rest and relaxation, but chores and errands call. Don't be tempted to cut your day short. In fact, focus on getting them all done. That extra push will tie everything up and you'll be free for the rest of the day.


This last burst of hard work goes wholly unrecognized. Isn't anybody paying attention? They are, but accolades aren't forthcoming right now. Bide your time and the ultimate reward will pay off threefold.


Social media gossip is not good right now, so if you've found an incriminating picture with an ex, delete it immediately. Procrastination will lead you to lose out on a hot date.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!