‘Daily Show’ Offers In Memoriam for Fallen Trump Staffers, From Sean Spicer to The Mooch (Video)

From Sean Spicer to Steve Bannon to Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci, the less-than-one-year-old Trump White House has seen a remarkable level of turnover in its senior staff.

And so Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show” decided to offer an In Memoriam reel honoring all the public officials who have come and gone from the new administration in the months since Trump was inaugurated in January.

Surprisingly, the tribute did not even include the resignation of Omarosa Manigault, the former “Apprentice” contestant who recently stepped down as a communications director in the White House’s Office of Public Liaison.

Also Read: Everyone Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter This Year (Photos)

But other Trump officials did make the cut, from short-lived Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price to the recently indicted former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Watch above.

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