Dad Says Daughters Think ‘If They Get On Social Media That They’re Going To Become Famous’

Dad Says Daughters Think ‘If They Get On Social Media That They’re Going To Become Famous’

Russell says his brilliant daughter, Sarah Joy, is destroying her life by walking away from a full-ride college scholarship to chase what he says is a silly dream of becoming a professional dancer. And now, he says Sarah Joy has influenced her younger sister, Leah, to quit school to pursue her fashion dream.

“Leah told me that she wanted to model, and I just couldn’t believe it. I almost fainted,” Russell says. “Sarah and Leah just think that if they get on social media that they’re going to become famous. They’re not thinking in reality.”

Hear from Sarah Joy and Leah in the video above. And, Dr. Phil has a tough question for Russell and a reality check for the sisters.

On Tuesday’s episode, see what happens when Lady Gaga’s choreographer, Richy Jackson, puts Sarah Joy through her first audition. Does he think she has what it takes to become a dance legend? Check here to see where you can watch.