The CW's 'Arrow' casts The Huntress

The CW’s Arrow is getting another classic DC Comics character — and Stephen Amell’s vigilante is getting a potential love interest.

The highly anticipated fall action-drama series is adding The Huntress for a multi-episode arc. Not only is the character coming to the show, but has also learned the role has just been filled: The Huntress will be played by Aussie TV actress Jessica De Gouw (pic below).

Introduced in 1947, The Huntress is the star of her own DC Comics series and there’s been a few iterations the character over the years. Arrow will feature the modern-era version whose alias is Helena Bertinelli. She’s the daughter of a mafia boss who vows revenge after her family is murdered. The comics had The Huntress prowling Batman’s backyard of Gotham, but we expect Arrow to keep Bertinelli close to Oliver Queen’s Starling City.

Here’s the official character description: “Helena is a potential love interest for Oliver Queen; a fellow vigilante, set on destroying her father’s organized crime empire. But Helena’s blind pursuit of revenge will put her on a collision course with the Arrow.” Expect The Huntress to show up around episode six.

The casting comes on the heels of Arrow adding Torchwood star John Barrowman in a mysterious recurring role. More on Barrowman’s casting here.

And if you haven’t seen Arrow star Stephen Amell’s shirtless The Passion of the Bowflex poster, you should take a gander here.

Oh, and here’s how the Arrow pilot was received at Comic-Con.

Last, but not least, here’s De Gouw:

Arrow premieres Wednesday, Oct. 10.